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Writing From The Unconscious

“Vulnerability is essential to spiritual and creative growth. Finding enormous strength through vulnerability. You're being open to whatever happens, including failure and shame. The two are connected, maybe — vulnerability and freedom.



Writing From The Unconscious
Amanda Lovejoy Street

Lay your ear down and collaborate with the unconscious. A writing class.

Saturday, July 8
11 am – 1:30 pm (PT)
via Zoom

There will be a guided drop in with breath and body to land into a meditative state where we will explore our creative work through voice, gesture and embodied imagination. We will then come up and bring what we discovered into writing. Before we close, we will circle up and speak to what we found and share or not share the written work.

Each class will explore a different element of writing, be it dialoguing with character, exploring an environment, or working with an object/symbol. Explore a nascent idea or a life’s work. Writers and artists at all stages of writing projects are welcome.

Each Writing From The Unconscious session is led by Amanda Lovejoy Street and via Zoom.

In care of the work, class size is limited. 

Tuition for class is $75.

Some partial scholarships are available for every workshop. Please don’t hesitate to ask. 

Please click the APPLY button below. After filling out the waiver form, you will be directed to a PayPal page where you can pay for class. If you’d like to pay via Venmo ( @AmandaLovejoyStreet), please still fill out the application below, and ignore the PayPal redirect. If you are seeking financial aid, omit the payment and Amanda will reach out to you soon to coordinate payment.

Apply early. Classes fill quickly.

Please Note:
We are happy to refund tuition, less our admin fees, if someone from our waitlist is able to take your place. Please be aware this waitlist is released 48 hours before Zoom class and 2 weeks before an intensive. You are responsible for your tuition after this time. Regretfully, no class credits can be offered.

Image: Meret Oppenheim, Silberschwanz

Earlier Event: July 7
The Still Point